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Directory of Services
This local directory of services provides practices with a list of services available in Dorset and nationally that may be useful to direct a patient to who is looking for advice and support around their specific health need.
It can be used in conjunction with the way a practice ‘actively signposts’ patients to support and services where it may be useful.
It is not an alternative route for advice to individuals and it is not suitable to direct every patient to these services.
If you have a service that you would like added to this directory please contact James at
Directory of Services
Please click on the relevant subject link below or simply use our site wide SEARCH BOX above.
Addiction / Drugs / Alcohol | |
Advocacy / Mentoring | |
Behavioural Support | |
Bereavement | |
Blindness / Sight Loss | |
Blood Cancer | |
Breathing | |
Cancer | |
Care Providers | |
Carers Support | |
Child Sexual Abuse | |
Child Unwell General | |
Counselling | |
Dementia and Memory Loss | |
Depression | |
Diabetes | |
Disability / Special Educational Needs | |
Domestic Abuse | |
Drug Misuse | |
Eating Disorders | |
Elderly Support | |
Eye Casualty | |
Family Support | |
Financial Concerns | |
Foot Care | |
Healthy Lifestyle | |
Hearing | |
LGBT | |
Loneliness | |
Managing Medication | |
Medication Queries | |
Mental Health | |
Migrant Health | |
Musculoskeletal pain/problems/injuries | |
New Parent Information | |
Offending | |
Pregnancy | |
Safeguarding | |
Sexual Health | |
Sexual Violence / Assault | |
Sight | |
Smoking | |
Social & Living Advice / Support | |
Social Care | |
Social Prescribing Service | |
Stroke | |
Technology Enabled Care | |
Transport Issues | |
Transport Services | |
Travel Advice / Vaccinations | |
Unemployment due to health | |
Unwell - General | |
Weight Management | |
Young People Support / Youth Clubs | |
Youth Health |
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