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Castleman Youth

Support for Young People

Castleman Youth health page is here to help young people, their families and carers access health information and bring together the services available locally and nationally. 


You will find information about self care, where you can go for support and how to access services.

Self care & Advice

Need to talk?

Health in School

Sexual Health Advice

Help from a Pharmacist

A pharmacy is not only the place to go to get your prescription medicines, they can also offer clinical advice for minor health concerns and common illnesses. Pharmacists are often open late and at weekends and you don't need an appointment. 


Getting advice from a local pharmacist is the best first step for a minor health concern. The pharmacist can advise you if they think you need to see a doctor (GP).  



When to see your Doctor

If you have looked at the self help guidance, spoken to a pharmacist or have an illness that isn't getting better you may need to see or speak to a doctor or nurse. 


Most people living in the UK are registered with a doctors surgery local to where they live. Doctors surgeries have different systems for booking appointments. To book an appointment or to find out when you can be seen you should telephone the surgery you are registered with.


You don't always need your parent or guardian to be present at an appointment if there is something you need to talk about in private. Information will only be shared if there are concerns about your safety. 

Visit our local directory of services for more information on what is available in Dorset.

Contact us
Castleman Healthcare Limited
The Harvey Practice
18 Kirkway
BH18 8EE

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